The essential feature of social divergence of global economic development

L. T. Herman


The article describes theoretical approaches to social divergence of global economic development. Prerequisites of social convergence of global development have been found out. Interpretation of social divergence has been given and classification features of social divergence of economic development have been proposed. The basic negative effects of social divergence for global economic development have been revealed. Features and causes of social divergence of global economic development have been determined. The objectivity of social divergence of global economic development has been grounded and its displays in practical area have been analysed. The existence of concurrent processes of social convergence and divergence of global economic development has been proved.

Ключові слова

global economic development; socialization of economics; social divergence; convergence; social stratification; sigma-convergence; beta-convergence

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Науковий журнал "Український журнал прикладної економіки"

ISSN 2518-1742 (Online)

ISSN 2415-8453 (Print)